St. Thomas


Since both Taran and I had been to St. Thomas numerous times, we didn’t take a shore excursion. We decided to walk the mile and a half into Charlotte Amalie. Before starting out, I took some panorama shots from the top of the ship. As we were going into town, it rained for about ten minutes forcing us to take shelter under a tree. This was the only time it rained during the entire week.

In the city, we strolled through the narrow streets and looked into a couple of stores. In about three hours, we were back to the ship. Before the show, we enjoyed a fantastic Italian dinner in the Portofino specialty restaurant.

 Music trivia at 8 p.m. also became part of our routine each evening.

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View of Charlotte Amalie

      As the sun goes in and out behind the clouds, the color of the water changes

Many sailboats are anchored in the bay

Closeup view of the sailboats and catamarans

The Danish architectural character of the capital city of the U. S. Virgin Islands has been preserved

Condos above the yacht harbor

Yacht Haven Grande

Al with the Norweigen Gem (L) and the Jewel of the Seas (R) docked at Havensight

Taran and the Jewel of the Seas

Close to town

U. S. Virgin Islands Legislative Building

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Welcome sign

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Typical narrow street

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Complicated wiring

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Many buildings in Charlotte Amalie have balconies

Near Market Square

We could hear the singing during worship at the Salvation Army Church

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Quaint pedestrian passage in the shopping area of downtown

Taran buys cologne for his father

View of Havensight port

Mural depicting sea birds

Looking back at the city. The red building is Fort Christian

Havensight Mall

The Mall is the largest shopping facility for cruise ship passengers in the Caribbean

© Albert Meeh 2021