

It was a beautiful day and Taran and I took a Jeep tour of the island. Some of the roads we took were unpaved and bumpy. We saw rural areas and beautiful beaches.  When we returned to St. John, we walked around the commercial area near the dock.


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Welcome to Antigua and Barbuda 

A view of colorful St. John from the top of the the ship

Zooming in

The commercial district and the harbor

The huge Celebrity Eclipse was docked on the right of us


Shopping area especially for cruise ship passengers

We start our safari

Sugar cane chimney


Lovely bay with a high end resort


Rugged cliffs

Rural neighborhoods

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Goats grazing in the field

Darkwood Beach


Valley’s Church Beach


Suburbs of St. George

V. C. Bird Monument

Selling vegetables

Students passing a Burger King across the street

Reading her Bible while waiting for a sale

Caribbean chattel homes

Downtown shopping street



Busy shopping day

St. John the Divine Cathedral 

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Returning to the Vision of the Seas docked between the Celebrity Esclipse and the MSC Musica


© Albert Meeh 2021