The Sugar Factory c. 1797: the animal mill (L), the wind mill (C), and the steam mill engine (R) which was installed in 1865.

January 24-February 1, 2015
The Jewel of the Seas visited Frederiksted on St. Croix. Taran and I rented a Jeep Patriot. Taran drove and was challenged by the fact that people drive on the left on St. Croix even though it is a U. S. territory. With narrow roads and no white lines, it takes some getting used to for those of us from the mainland.
We had a most interesting day. Our first stop was at the Estate Whim Plantation. Next, we sampled the rum at the end of a tour of the Cruzan Distillery. Then it was on to the main historic city on the island, Christiansted, where we saw the principal sights and ate some excellent Caribbean food. Returning to the Frederiksted area after lunch, we drove through a rain forest and up a coastal road where we saw the ruins of some old plantations, mostly overgrown by rainforest vegetation.